Bulldog Weekly Newsletter  Page 1Page 1

Bulldog Weekly Newsletter Page 2

Bulldog Monthly Newsletter (in plain text)



I hope that each of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break with the ones that you

love the most. Although it is hard to believe, our first semester of the 2024-2025

school year is coming to an end. We have had a great deal of success to

celebrate including a record breaking number of students on honor roll and an

overall improvement rating on our South Carolina school report card. We are

very proud of our students and staff, and we anticipate that our successes will

only grow from here.

In this monthly newsletter, we will discuss a few important items to keep in mind

as we close out semester one and head into semester two. All students will have

final exams for their classes and students enrolled in English 2, Algebra

1/Intermediate Algebra, U.S. History, and Biology will have South Carolina End of

Course tests. The schedule for these assessments can be found below. Final

exams and EOCs account for a significant portion of class grades. It is

imperative that students prepare for their test by coming to school regularly,

studying content, getting adequate rest, and charging their devices for test day.

Seat time is a requirement in South Carolina. If a student is absent more than 10

times in any given class, he/she cannot get credit for that class (even if they

academically pass). Parents should look at student attendance and ensure that

students are meeting seat time requirements. NHS holds free sessions for

makeup time each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the cafeteria. We do not

want any students to fail a class due to attendance issues. If you would like to

check your student's attendance, please call our main office.

I sincerely hope that all our families have a wonderful holiday season!

Sarah Harvey, Principal

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Order your 2025 yearbook!

  • Yearbooks are $75!

  • Order at jostensyearbooks.com

  • Contact Ms. Hall to order senior ads for the yearbook

NHS Holiday Dress Up Days

  • Monday December 16 is The Christmas Switch- Student Teacher Swap Day

  • Tuesday December 17 is Nightmare Before Christmas-

    Dress to show off your

    favorite holiday

  • Wednesday, December 18 is A Christmas Story- Wear Christmas Sweaters/Colors

  • Thursday Deecember 19 is Ghost of



    Throwback Thursday

  • Friday December 20 is

    All Aboard the

    Polar Express

    Pajama Day-

    Half Day

Dates to Know

  • December 10

    English 2 EOC Reading

  • December 11

    Biology EOC

  • December 12

    US History EOC

  • December 13

    Algebra 1 EOC

  • December 18 1st and 3rd Block Exams

  • December 19 2nd and 4th Block Exams

  • December 20 Half Day for Students

  • January 6 Second Semester Begins

  • January 8 Report Cards Issued

Student s of the month

  • 9th: Sydney West

  • 10th: Zella Pendell

  • 11th : AJ Jeter

  • 12th: Steven Joseph

Rotary Student of the Month

  • JaMerius Sheppard

Exchange Club Student of the Month

  • Jackson Griffin