MCHS hosted an Open House on Tuesday, August 27th. Parents dropped by between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to briefly meet their students' teachers. During this time the MCHS Guidance Department hosted two informational meetings for all parents of 11th and 12th grade students. The following information was shared with parents and students during Senior and Junior Parent Information Night Meetings: Graduation Supplies & Procedures
• Important Senior Dates
• Graduation Requirements
• College Application Process
• Military Options
• Senior Job Fair
• Overview Scholarships & Financial Aid
• Dual Enrollment Process for Piedmont Tech
• Updates regarding standardized State Testing
• Preparing for the senior year. We were also fortunate enough to have representatives from Rhodes' Graduation Supply Company (Jostens) present to share information on the process of ordering senior graduation supplies and class rings. Special thanks to Major Taylor and Sergeant Foster's JROTC students who served refreshments and served as guides for the night. Also thanks to our guidance counselors Ms. Smith, Ms. McAllister, and Mr. Durant for hosting parent nights for our juniors and seniors. If you missed it, e-mail Ms. Smith for senior information or Ms. McAllister for junior information. Thanks to everyone that was able to attend. We look forward to a great 2019-2020 school year!

Open House held 8-27-19
August 28, 2019