art show

See a video of the artwork by clicking here:

The opening reception for SDNC Student Art Show was Thursday evening at the Newberry Art Center. Congratulations to Blythe Riddle for winning the Superintendent Award, Alexis Andrews for winning the Newberry Art Center Award, and Jennifer Boland for Superintendent Honorable Mention! 

All are welcome to stop by before April 23rd to view the show! 

Featured MCHS Artists:

Natalie Templin

Carmen Dunlap

Laila  Bavilacqua 

Jackson Wicker

Emily Bates

Lyla Kendrick

Landen Wicker

Nariyah Delgado 

Azazel Sharpe

Marleni Rojas Lara

Natalie Winn

Tea Reid

Jocelyn Garcia

Blythe Riddle

Jennifer Boland

Alexis Andrews


Blythe Riddle with her award-winning piece