MARCH 12TH 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
OR MARCH 13TH 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM.
You need your FSA ID from all contributors to be able to complete your FAFSA at this event! Bring your student’s laptop. Bring your 2023 Federal Tax Return & related income documents from all contributors.
See this link posted to NHS News for details on how to create your FSA ID, in flyer and in plain text below images: https://www.newberryhs.org/o/nhs/article/2066891

WIN Testing for Juniors and selected Seniors will be March 24th, 25th, and 26th.
Students are to report to their testing locations at 8:00 AM with their laptops fully charged.
Make-ups and senior testing will be announced later that same week.

📚 Varsity Tutors 🎨
Looking for extra FREE support to help your child succeed? Varsity Tutors My Learning offers engaging, personalized learning experiences designed to boost confidence and achievement!
📲 App Found in ClassLink on Student Devices
What Varsity Tutors Offers:
🧑🏫 Live Online Tutoring – One-on-one support from expert educators.
📖 Practice Tests & Quizzes – Interactive tools to reinforce learning.
🎥 On-Demand Lessons – Access quality instruction anytime, anywhere.
📅 Customized Learning Plans – Personalized study strategies to meet your child’s needs.
🌟 Top-Notch Instructors – Highly qualified teachers across various subjects.

‼️Attention Seniors! SENIORS, Time is running out.... *ORDER NOW* to receive grad product for commencement! Now more than ever, celebrate these moments! ORDER at: www.RhodesGraduation.com

Order your Class of 2027 Ring!
ORDER NOW-- Don't miss out! ORDER DEADLINE: March 12th! ORDER ONLINE at Jostens.com
#BulldogBuilt #IamNHS

Who can go: 11th graders in good academic and attendance standing (limited to 45). When: Thursday, March 27th from 7:45 AM – 5:45 PM.
Where are we touring: USC-Upstate, North Greenville University, Lander University.
For permission form & questions: See your school counselor! Deadline to return forms: March 12th.

Reunión familiar de MLP: Conectar, aprender y crecer
¡Te invitamos!
Este evento está pensado para ayudar a las familias que hablan varios idiomas a moverse por el sistema escolar y los servicios comunitarios con seguridad.
En este evento tendrás la oportunidad de...
Descubrir recursos valiosos para ayudar en la educación y el bienestar de tu hijo.
Descubrir y conectarse con organizaciones de su área que brindan servicios enfocados en la familia.
Descubrir consejos y estrategias para ayudar a tu hijo a brillar en la escuela.
Conseguir respuestas a tus preguntas sobre programas, servicios y oportunidades educativas.
Disfrutar de snacks ligeros y un ambiente cálido pensado para recibir a todos.
Llevarte a casa materiales y herramientas geniales para seguir aprendiendo en casa.
📅 Jueves 1 de mayo de 2025
📍 Cafetería de la Escuela Secundaria Newberry
125 O’Neal Street, Newberry, SC 29108
🕔 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Estilo libre de asistencia)

Gia đình MLP đến thăm: Kết nối, Khám phá và Phát triển
Bạn được mời tham gia!
Sự kiện này được tổ chức để giúp các gia đình nói nhiều ngôn ngữ cảm thấy tự tin hơn khi sử dụng hệ thống trường học và các dịch vụ trong cộng đồng.
Tại sự kiện này, bạn sẽ được...
Khám phá những nguồn tài nguyên quý giá để giúp đỡ việc học tập và niềm vui của con bạn.
Gặp gỡ và kết nối với những tổ chức địa phương cung cấp dịch vụ chủ trọng vào gia đình.
Khám phá những mẹo và chiến lược giúp bé yêu của bạn đạt được thành công trong học tập.
Nhận được câu trả lời cho những thắc mắc của bạn về chương trình, dịch vụ và cơ hội tại trường.
Thưởng thức những món ăn nhẹ và không gian thú vị được tạo ra để chào đón tất cả mọi người.
Mang về nhà những tài liệu và công cụ hữu ích để tiếp tục hành trình học tập tại nhà nhé!
📅 Thứ Năm, ngày 1 tháng 5 năm 2025
📍 Trường Trung học Newberry – Nhà ăn
125 O’Neal Street, Newberry, SC 29108
🕔 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Hình thức ghé thăm tự do)

Arabic Version:
زيارة عائلة MLP: التواصل والتعلم والتطور
أنت مدعو بكل سرور!
تم إعداد هذا الحدث لمساعدة الأسر التي تتحدث لغات متعددة على التكيف مع النظام المدرسي والخدمات المجتمعية بكل ثقة.
في هذا الحدث، ستقوم بـ:
استكشاف الموارد المهمة التي تساعد في تعليم طفلك ورعايته.
التعرف على الجمعيات المحلية التي تقدم خدمات تركز على الأسرة والتواصل معها.
اكتشاف المناهج وخطط تساعد طفلك على التألق في المدرسة.
الحصول على ردود لأسئلتك حول برامج المدرسة والخدمات والفرص.
الاستمتاع بالمشروبات اللذيذة والأجواء الرائعة التي ضمنت مرحبة للجميع.
الحصول على المواد والأدوات المفيدة التي تدعمك في مواصلة رحلة التعلم من منزلك.
📅 الخميس 1 مايو 2025
📍 مدرسة نيوبيري الإعدادية – الكافيتريا
125 شارع أونيل، نيوبيري، كارولاينا الجنوبية 29108
🕔 5:00 مساءً - 6:30 مساءً (نمط الدخول الحر)

MLP Family Drop-In: Connect, Learn, and Grow
You're invited!
This event is designed to help multilingual families navigate the school system and community services with confidence.
At this event, you will...
Discover valuable resources to support your child’s education and well-being.
Meet and connect with local organizations offering family-focused services.
Learn tips and strategies for helping your child succeed in school.
Get answers to your questions about school programs, services, and opportunities.
Enjoy light refreshments and an inviting atmosphere designed to welcome everyone.
Take home helpful materials and tools to continue your learning journey at home.
📍 Newberry Middle School Cafeteria
125 O’Neal Street, Newberry, SC 29108
🕔 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Drop-In Style)
📞 Contact Information:
Dr. Ashley Swygert
(803) 321-2640

We are excited to announce that the Cosmetology Program Application for the 2025-2026 school year is now open for rising juniors!
Important Updates for This Year:
✔ The application is now completely digital, including reference requests
✔ Students will need email addresses for both their references and a parent/guardian
✔ Parents and students will receive a copy of their completed application
✔ The application window closes on March 28, 2025
We appreciate your support in sharing this opportunity with interested students as we work together to finalize scheduling for the upcoming school year.
📢 Application Link & QR Code:
🔗 Apply Here- https://form.jotform.com/250544580852156

Join us for Newberry High School 's 1st Annual Egg Hunt at 3113 Main Street, Newberry SC 29108 on April 5, 2025 from 11AM-1PM. Take a picture with the Easter Bunny, Easter Egg Toss, Corn Hole, Putt Putt, Face Painting and more! Vendor Spaces are available for $35.
Contact Un’Drena Cromer at ucromer@sdnc.org or Quanzetta Wicker at qwicker@sdnc.org for more information.

The NHS Softball Team Store is Open until 2/27/25. Thanks for your support.
NHS Softball Nike Store is open until March 3!
Link to NHS Softball Nike Store

Montessori Parent Interest Meeting
Thursday, February 20
6 p.m.
at Boundary Street Elementary
Montessori is a hands-on discovery approach to teaching and learning. It tends to discourage traditional competitive measurements of achievement, such as grades and tests, and instead focuses on the individual progress and development of each child. Children of different ages share the same classes and are encouraged to collaborate and help one another.
Specialized educational materials are used to keep children interested, and there is an emphasis on "practical life skills." The main goal of Montessori education is to provide a stimulating, child-oriented environment in which children are mastering the South Carolina state standards.
The Montessori program in Newberry County serves ages three year old through fifth grade at Boundary Street Elementary, Gallman Elementary and Newberry Elementary School. Students must reside in the zoned school to be eligible for Montessori.

Congrats to our Teacher of the Month Coach Trokya Bates. Congrats to our Support Staff of the Month Mrs. Bennie Mae Brown.
Thank you both for serving NHS with your whole heart!

Congratulations to our Students of the Month!
9th: Braeden Murphy 10th: Alex Lozoya Ocampo 11th: Xavier Summers 12th: Bianca Gilliam

Attention Junior Boys: Palmetto Boys State applications have arrived. Any interested 11th grade boy can get an application from Ms. Cary. All applications are due Thursday, February 20th.

MLP Family Drop-In: Connect, Learn, and Grow @ Newberry Middle School Scheduled for February 6 has been postponed and will be rescheduled for later this spring.

Attention Juniors: ALA Palmetto Girls State applications have arrived. Any interested 11th grade girl can get an application from Ms. Cary starting today. All applications are due by Thursday, February 20th.

Check out the latest Bulldog Monthly Newsletter on our website!