Parents, students, and staff: We need your help! Please self-screen PRIOR to stepping on campus every single day and report ALL close contact, household contact, and positive cases of COVID-19 via this link: You do not have to feel bad to be ill! These guidelines are in place for everyone’s health!
Encuesta Comunitaria de ESSER III El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Newberry necesita información sobre el gasto de la asignación de ARP - ESSER III. El SDNC recibió más de $ 15,2 millones para abordar la pérdida de aprendizaje y las necesidades académicas relacionadas con la pandemia de Covid19. Los fondos no se pueden utilizar para bonificaciones. El 11 de marzo de 2021, la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense (ARP) se convirtió en ley. El Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos está proporcionando $ 121,9 mil millones adicionales para el Fondo de Ayuda de Emergencia para Escuelas Primarias y Secundarias (Fondo ESSER III). Esta legislación otorgará estas subvenciones a las agencias educativas estatales (SEA) con el propósito de proporcionar a las agencias educativas locales (LEA) fondos de ayuda de emergencia para abordar el impacto que COVID-19 ha tenido y sigue teniendo en las escuelas primarias y secundarias de todo el país. la Nación. Por favor complete la siguiente encuesta:
2021-2022 Newberry High School Student Government Association
Executive Council
Jaliyah Sims, SGA President
Aniyas Ruff, SGA Vice President
Ahmirah Wilmore, SGA Secretary
Desli Pena-Martinez, SGA Treasurer
Class of 2022
Cameron Grier, President
Lacy Hawkins, Secretary
Francie Greene, Cabinet
Class of 2023
Derrick Jones, President
Danielle Harmon, Vice President
Yuvika Kumari, Secretary
Miliani Suber, Treasurer
Jasmine Quarles, Cabinet
Malachi Senn, Cabinet
Class of 2024
Maeghan Springer, President
Jasmine Kinard, Vice President
Kailee Woods, Secretary
Azariah Stephens, Treasurer
Azly Aguilar, Cabinet
Jeremy Glasgow, Cabinet
ESSER III Community Survey
The School District of Newberry County needs input on the spending of the ARP - ESSER III allocation. The SDNC received over $15.2 million to address learning loss and academic needs related to the Covid19 pandemic. Funds cannot be used for bonuses.
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law. The US Department of Education is providing an additional $121.9 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund). This legislation will award these grants to state educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs) with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the nation.
Please complete the following survey:
The Parent Toolkit has recently been updated to reflect DHEC’s guidance issued May 20, 2021 . In an effort to make it easier for you to know what changes/additions have been made, the information has been highlighted in yellow. Parent/Guardian Toolkit for Reopening: Parent/Guardian Toolkit for Reopening (Spanish):
Phones at NHS are receiving incoming calls now!
PARENTS of Face to Face Students: If you have a school district issued Wi-Fi hotspot, please be aware that the Department of Education will be turning off Wi-Fi service to them in June. The Wi-Fi hotspots and chargers need to be turned back into NHS before the last day of school, Thursday, June 10. Please be sure to label your hotspot with your child's name and return it and the charger to Ms. Senn in the front office.
Congratulations to Emily Allen and Jaliyah Sims who have been chosen by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 24 to be Palmetto Girls State Delegates!
Free Bark Jr - Bark for Schools
Bark Jr allows parents to manage screen time, filter which websites their kids can visit, and keep up with kids by using location check-in. It's just another way that Bark is closing the gap in online safety for kids while allowing them the space they need to develop into good digital citizens.
NOTE: This program is not to be installed on school devices.
The School District of Newberry County will begin collecting Consent Forms to Opt Out of Face Mask Requirement Imposed on Students by a School or School District on Friday, May 14. The form must be completed in its entirety and should be returned to the school between Friday, May 14 and Friday, May 21. Once approved by the school, this form allows students to go mask-free in the school building. Face coverings will continue to be required on all school buses. Students who exhibit any symptoms and visit the health room will be issued a mask. Parents are reminded to continue to check your students for any symptoms prior to sending them to school and inform the school nurse if your child is symptomatic.
Plexiglass and social distancing measures will remain in place. As students come for state testing that begins on May 17, please be aware that there may be students with and without masks in the classrooms where testing occurs.
Parents can access the form at
The School District of Newberry County will continue to operate under the present guidelines from South Carolina DHEC and the South Carolina Department of Education regarding face coverings until clarification regarding a waiver is provided. Students and staff are expected to continue to wear face coverings as they have all school year. We will keep parents and families updated as we are provided additional guidance from the South Carolina Department of Education.
Read the latest news for NHS today!
May Newsletter
NHS Football Schedule for 2021
With Governor McMaster’s signing into law S.704, all schools will return to 5 days of instruction beginning April 26. For students who are currently face-to-face, Wednesdays will now be an in-person learning day. For students who are currently enrolled in Newberry ONE, Wednesdays will now be synchronous (live) instruction days. This resolution is in place for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year and for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. We will continue to keep our current safety measures in place with masks, plexiglass, and social distancing until such a time it is deemed safe to discontinue these practices.
PEBT Como Verificar Tu Direccion en el Portal:
Parents, students, and staff: We need your help! Please self-screen PRIOR to stepping on campus every single day and report ALL close contact, household contact, and positive cases of COVID-19 via this link: You do not have to feel bad to be ill! These guidelines are in place for everyone’s health!
Attention Juniors!
Palmetto Girls State applications are here! They can access the application in Schoology or see a counselor for an application.
In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, all parents are asked to complete the following survey regarding instruction in a non-pandemic school year - Please complete one per child. Surveys must be completed before March 15.
Girls Track begins on Monday, 3/1/21 at 3:30
Place: At the track
Practice Times:
3:30-4:45 Monday Through Thursday
To contact technology support for the School District of Newberry County please email
Office hours for the district office are from 8:00-10:00am and 2:30-3:30pm Monday-Friday.